Abū Manṣūr Nizār al-Muṣṭafá liDīnillāh (1045-1097, Arabic: أبومنصور نزار المصطفى لدين الله) was a FatimidCaliph and a NizāriIsmā‘ilīImām. He was deposed by his brother, Aḥmad al-Musta‘lī but his son, al-Hādī ibn Nizār, escaped to Alamūt and took refuge with believers there, thereby continuing the Imāmate.
The followers of Nizār's descendants constitute the majority of the Ismā‘ilī today, with the smaller Musta‘lī branch accepting his younger brother who overthrew him and the Druze ending the Imāmate before either of them.
Ban was the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea from January 2004 to November 2006. In February 2006, he began to campaign for the office of Secretary-General. Ban was initially considered to be a long shot for the office. As foreign minister of South Korea, however, he was able to travel to all of the countries that were members of the United Nations Security Council, a maneuver that turned him into the front runner.
On 11 October 2006, he was elected to be the eighth Secretary-General by the United Nations General Assembly and officially succeeded Annan on 1 January 2007. Ban has led several major reforms regarding peacekeeping and UN employment practices. Diplomatically, Ban has taken particularly strong views on Darfur, where he helped persuade Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to allow peacekeeping troops to enter Sudan; and on global warming, pressing the issue repeatedly with former U.S. President George W. Bush. Ban has received strong criticism from OIOS, the UN internal audit unit, stating that the secretariat, under Ban's leadership, is "drifting into irrelevance".
Avram Noam Chomsky (/ˈnoʊmˈtʃɒmski/; born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher,cognitive scientist, historian, and activist. He is an Institute Professor and Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at MIT, where he has worked for over 50 years. Chomsky has been described as the "father of modern linguistics" and a major figure of analytic philosophy. His work has influenced fields such as computer science, mathematics, and psychology.
In Golan terrorists get paid ransom by Qatar with the help of Israel
Syria's Response to Internationlal Inquiry 9th Report
Syria's Response to Internationlal Inquiry 9th Report
Syria's Response to Internationlal Inquiry 9th Report
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syria's Perm. Rep to the UN accusing the commission of bias.
Syria Sensing Looming Military Attacks
Syria Sensing Looming Military Attacks
Syria Sensing Looming Military Attacks
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syrian Perm. Rep to the UN expresses concerns regarding allegations about use of chlorine gas in Syria. He accused US, UK and France of aggressive intentions.
Press Freedom under attack in Paris, the view from the UN
Press Freedom under attack in Paris, the view from the UN
Press Freedom under attack in Paris, the view from the UN
Nizar Abboud, United Nations Correspondent for Al-Akhbar (Beirut) and AlMayadeen TV, gives La VOCE di New York his opinion on the attack in France against the journalists of Charlie Hebdo
Syrian Staunch Attack Against Israel and Qatar
Syrian Staunch Attack Against Israel and Qatar
Syrian Staunch Attack Against Israel and Qatar
Diplomatic exchange at the UN. Syria accuses Israel and Qatar of supporting armed terrorist groups inside Syria and in Syrian Golan.
French Diplomat Forgets Who He Represents - Syria
French Diplomat Forgets Who He Represents - Syria
French Diplomat Forgets Who He Represents - Syria
Diplomate français oubliee qui il Représente
Francois Delattre, French Representative to the UN speaking as President of the UN Security Council says that Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad has no place in Syria's future.
François Delattre , représentant français à l'ONU en tant que Président du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies dit que le président syrien Bachar Al -Assad n'a pas sa place dans l'avenir de la Syrie .
معارضة سورية يقودها أردني في الجولان السوري
معارضة سورية يقودها أردني في الجولان السوري
معارضة سورية يقودها أردني في الجولان السوري
بشار الجعفري في أعنف هجوم على جهاز الأمم المتحدة ومعاييرها المزدوجة
المطران فيليب صليبا في ذمة الله
المطران فيليب صليبا في ذمة الله
المطران فيليب صليبا في ذمة الله
رحل المطران العروبي الكبير فيليب صليبا، مطران أميركا الشمالية للكنيسة الأرثوذكسية الأنطاكية مقابلة خاصة للميادين معه قبل أشهر.
BAN KI MOON and Nizar Abboud نزار عبود، بان كي موون
BAN KI MOON and Nizar Abboud نزار عبود، بان كي موون
BAN KI MOON and Nizar Abboud نزار عبود، بان كي موون
Ban Ki Moon and Nizar Abboud at the United Nations Security Council.
بشار الجعفري يعزي بالمطران صاليبا
بشار الجعفري يعزي بالمطران صاليبا
بشار الجعفري يعزي بالمطران صاليبا
المطران فيليب صليبا في ذمة الله.
Arab and Western Govs. Support Terrorism in Syria, UN Report
Arab and Western Govs. Support Terrorism in Syria, UN Report
Arab and Western Govs. Support Terrorism in Syria, UN Report
A new report of the UN Commission of Inquiry dealing with Syria has documented shocking accounts of the ISIS (Da'esh) armed group's use of terror to subjugate Syrians living in its areas of control, as well as the use of extreme violence against both civilians and captured fighters.
Its origins lie in the establishment of Al-Qaeda in
Iraq (AQI) by Abu Musab Al-
Zarqawi in 2004. After merging with other Iraqi jih
adist groups in 2006, AQI rebranded
itself as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). Although
degraded by the 2006 - 2011 US
counterterrorism campaign in Iraq, the group took a
dvantage of the instability in the region
to further recruit an
مقابلة عن الأوضاع في اليمن
مقابلة عن الأوضاع في اليمن
مقابلة عن الأوضاع في اليمن
جيبوتي تحولت إلى مركز للتوقيف والتعتقيد، محمد علاو رئيس رابطة المعونة لحقوق الإنسان.
سوريا ورسالة سفير السعودية في بيروت عام ٢٠١٢
سوريا ورسالة سفير السعودية في بيروت عام ٢٠١٢
سوريا ورسالة سفير السعودية في بيروت عام ٢٠١٢
بشار الجعفري مندوب سوريا الدائم لدى الأمم المتحدة يفضح تورط السعودية وحليفاتها في المؤامرة على بلاده في كلمته أمام مجلس الأمن الدولي اليوم.
معرض هاغوب فانيسيان لصور حلب في الأمم المتحدة
معرض هاغوب فانيسيان لصور حلب في الأمم المتحدة
معرض هاغوب فانيسيان لصور حلب في الأمم المتحدة
الفنان المصور هاغوب فانيسيان عرض شهاداته على مأساة حلب في معرض في نيويورك. هاغوب أكد أن عمله لكل السوريين في الداخل والخارج، وقلبه ينفطر حزنا على سوريا وشعبها.
In Golan terrorists get paid ransom by Qatar with the help of Israel
Syria's Response to Internationlal Inquiry 9th Report
Syria's Response to Internationlal Inquiry 9th Report
Syria's Response to Internationlal Inquiry 9th Report
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syria's Perm. Rep to the UN accusing the commission of bias.
Syria Sensing Looming Military Attacks
Syria Sensing Looming Military Attacks
Syria Sensing Looming Military Attacks
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syrian Perm. Rep to the UN expresses concerns regarding allegations about use of chlorine gas in Syria. He accused US, UK and France of aggressive intentions.
Press Freedom under attack in Paris, the view from the UN
Press Freedom under attack in Paris, the view from the UN
Press Freedom under attack in Paris, the view from the UN
Nizar Abboud, United Nations Correspondent for Al-Akhbar (Beirut) and AlMayadeen TV, gives La VOCE di New York his opinion on the attack in France against the journalists of Charlie Hebdo
Syrian Staunch Attack Against Israel and Qatar
Syrian Staunch Attack Against Israel and Qatar
Syrian Staunch Attack Against Israel and Qatar
Diplomatic exchange at the UN. Syria accuses Israel and Qatar of supporting armed terrorist groups inside Syria and in Syrian Golan.
French Diplomat Forgets Who He Represents - Syria
French Diplomat Forgets Who He Represents - Syria
French Diplomat Forgets Who He Represents - Syria
Diplomate français oubliee qui il Représente
Francois Delattre, French Representative to the UN speaking as President of the UN Security Council says that Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad has no place in Syria's future.
François Delattre , représentant français à l'ONU en tant que Président du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies dit que le président syrien Bachar Al -Assad n'a pas sa place dans l'avenir de la Syrie .
معارضة سورية يقودها أردني في الجولان السوري
معارضة سورية يقودها أردني في الجولان السوري
معارضة سورية يقودها أردني في الجولان السوري
بشار الجعفري في أعنف هجوم على جهاز الأمم المتحدة ومعاييرها المزدوجة
المطران فيليب صليبا في ذمة الله
المطران فيليب صليبا في ذمة الله
المطران فيليب صليبا في ذمة الله
رحل المطران العروبي الكبير فيليب صليبا، مطران أميركا الشمالية للكنيسة الأرثوذكسية الأنطاكية مقابلة خاصة للميادين معه قبل أشهر.
BAN KI MOON and Nizar Abboud نزار عبود، بان كي موون
BAN KI MOON and Nizar Abboud نزار عبود، بان كي موون
BAN KI MOON and Nizar Abboud نزار عبود، بان كي موون
Ban Ki Moon and Nizar Abboud at the United Nations Security Council.
بشار الجعفري يعزي بالمطران صاليبا
بشار الجعفري يعزي بالمطران صاليبا
بشار الجعفري يعزي بالمطران صاليبا
المطران فيليب صليبا في ذمة الله.
Arab and Western Govs. Support Terrorism in Syria, UN Report
Arab and Western Govs. Support Terrorism in Syria, UN Report
Arab and Western Govs. Support Terrorism in Syria, UN Report
A new report of the UN Commission of Inquiry dealing with Syria has documented shocking accounts of the ISIS (Da'esh) armed group's use of terror to subjugate Syrians living in its areas of control, as well as the use of extreme violence against both civilians and captured fighters.
Its origins lie in the establishment of Al-Qaeda in
Iraq (AQI) by Abu Musab Al-
Zarqawi in 2004. After merging with other Iraqi jih
adist groups in 2006, AQI rebranded
itself as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). Although
degraded by the 2006 - 2011 US
counterterrorism campaign in Iraq, the group took a
dvantage of the instability in the region
to further recruit an
مقابلة عن الأوضاع في اليمن
مقابلة عن الأوضاع في اليمن
مقابلة عن الأوضاع في اليمن
جيبوتي تحولت إلى مركز للتوقيف والتعتقيد، محمد علاو رئيس رابطة المعونة لحقوق الإنسان.
سوريا ورسالة سفير السعودية في بيروت عام ٢٠١٢
سوريا ورسالة سفير السعودية في بيروت عام ٢٠١٢
سوريا ورسالة سفير السعودية في بيروت عام ٢٠١٢
بشار الجعفري مندوب سوريا الدائم لدى الأمم المتحدة يفضح تورط السعودية وحليفاتها في المؤامرة على بلاده في كلمته أمام مجلس الأمن الدولي اليوم.
معرض هاغوب فانيسيان لصور حلب في الأمم المتحدة
معرض هاغوب فانيسيان لصور حلب في الأمم المتحدة
معرض هاغوب فانيسيان لصور حلب في الأمم المتحدة
الفنان المصور هاغوب فانيسيان عرض شهاداته على مأساة حلب في معرض في نيويورك. هاغوب أكد أن عمله لكل السوريين في الداخل والخارج، وقلبه ينفطر حزنا على سوريا وشعبها.
Saudi Sex Slave Children
Saudi Sex Slave Children
Saudi Sex Slave Children
الطفلة الموريتانيّة أو اليمنية تُرمى في الشارع السعودي بعد دورتها الشهرية الأولى Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Ch...
إسماعيل ولد شيخ أحمد زارعاصفة الحزم في الرياض
إسماعيل ولد شيخ أحمد زارعاصفة الحزم في الرياض
إسماعيل ولد شيخ أحمد زارعاصفة الحزم في الرياض
لماذا لم يشارك وفد صنعاء في إجتماعات جنيف؟ لماذا أجهض إتفاق السلم والشراكة؟ ما سر صيغة ٧ مقابل ٧؟ هذه وغيرها يجيب عنها مبعوث الامين العام للأمم المتحدة إلى اليمن، إسماعيل ولد شيخ أحمد.
النفيسي يحدد الخطر الحقيقي على بلدان الخليج
النفيسي يحدد الخطر الحقيقي على بلدان الخليج
النفيسي يحدد الخطر الحقيقي على بلدان الخليج
قبل ثماني سنوات كان الدكتور عبدالله النفيسي يحذر من خطر خلق سنغافورة جديدة في الخليج. هل تغير شيء بعدها؟ وهل الأمور أفضل حالا اليوم. مقابلة مع النفيسي عام ٢٠٠٧ على قناة الجزيرة التي يتحدث عن مشروع إسرائيلي لاحتلال شريط النفط.
Scott Atran: The Youth Need Values and Dreams
Scott Atran: The Youth Need Values and Dreams
Scott Atran: The Youth Need Values and Dreams
European youth radicalization, reasons explained.
Nobody associated Wahabis to extremism, though wherever Saudi Wahabi teachings are practiced, terrorists thrive.
Syrian Cultural Heritage Exhibition
Syrian Cultural Heritage Exhibition
Syrian Cultural Heritage Exhibition
Syrian Cultural Heritage Exhibition
Noam Chomsky's Press Conference at the UN Tuesday
Noam Chomsky's Press Conference at the UN Tuesday
Noam Chomsky's Press Conference at the UN Tuesday
Professor's Chomsky's press conf with UN correspondents Tuesday October 14 2014
مقابلة جزء ٢ عن اليمن وأوضاعه
مقابلة جزء ٢ عن اليمن وأوضاعه
مقابلة جزء ٢ عن اليمن وأوضاعه
جيبوتي تحولت إلى مركز للتوقيف والتعتقيد، محمد علاو رئيس رابطة المعونة لحقوق الإنسان.
Nizar Jafari Interview 5April12
Nizar Jafari Interview 5April12
Nizar Jafari Interview 5April12
مقابلة مع الجعفري بعد الجلسة المثيرة للجدل.
مندوب تركيا يريد تغيير الحكم في سوريا والجعفري يردّ
مندوب تركيا يريد تغيير الحكم في سوريا والجعفري يردّ
مندوب تركيا يريد تغيير الحكم في سوريا والجعفري يردّ
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syrian Perm. Rep to the UN expresses concerns regarding allegations about use of chlorine gas in Syria. He accused US, UK and France of aggressive intentions.
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syrian Perm. Rep to the UN expresses concerns regarding allegations about use of chlorine gas in Syria. He accused US, UK and France of aggressive intentions.
published:07 Mar 2015
Press Freedom under attack in Paris, the view from the UN
Nizar Abboud, United Nations Correspondent for Al-Akhbar (Beirut) and AlMayadeen TV, gives La VOCE di New York his opinion on the attack in France against the journalists of Charlie Hebdo
Nizar Abboud, United Nations Correspondent for Al-Akhbar (Beirut) and AlMayadeen TV, gives La VOCE di New York his opinion on the attack in France against the journalists of Charlie Hebdo
Diplomate français oubliee qui il Représente
Francois Delattre, French Representative to the UN speaking as President of the UN Security Council says that Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad has no place in Syria's future.
François Delattre , représentant français à l'ONU en tant que Président du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies dit que le président syrien Bachar Al -Assad n'a pas sa place dans l'avenir de la Syrie .
Diplomate français oubliee qui il Représente
Francois Delattre, French Representative to the UN speaking as President of the UN Security Council says that Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad has no place in Syria's future.
François Delattre , représentant français à l'ONU en tant que Président du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies dit que le président syrien Bachar Al -Assad n'a pas sa place dans l'avenir de la Syrie .
A new report of the UN Commission of Inquiry dealing with Syria has documented shocking accounts of the ISIS (Da'esh) armed group's use of terror to subjugate Syrians living in its areas of control, as well as the use of extreme violence against both civilians and captured fighters.
Its origins lie in the establishment of Al-Qaeda in
Iraq (AQI) by Abu Musab Al-
Zarqawi in 2004. After merging with other Iraqi jih
adist groups in 2006, AQI rebranded
itself as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). Although
degraded by the 2006 - 2011 US
counterterrorism campaign in Iraq, the group took a
dvantage of the instability in the region
to further recruit and mobilise, a process that acc
elerated with the outbreak of the Syrian
conflict. In 2011, ISI members joined local radical militants in Syria as part of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat Al-Nusra armed group to fight against Government forces.
The report states, The external support provided to all belligeren
ts in Syria has contributed to the
radicalisation of armed groups, ultimately benefitt
ing ISIS. Charity organisations and
wealthy individuals funded radical entities willing
to promote their ideologies and serve
their agendas. Arms and support provided to armed g
roups deemed as moderate have
repeatedly fallen into the hands of more radical ac
tors, including ISIS.
12. The arrival of large numbers of foreign fighter
s has contributed to the group’s
expansion as the most extreme and experienced indiv
iduals have joined its ranks. Until very recently, the international community and neighbouring states failed to put in place efficient
measures to prevent access to the conflict area.
Based on over 300 first-hand victim and witness accounts, the report provides a unique insight from Syrian men, women and children who fled or who are living in ISIS-controlled areas.
Among the commission of inquiry's recommendations is a call to engage international accountability mechanisms, including the International Criminal Court, to hold individuals, including ISIS commanders, responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Paulo Pinheiro, Chairman of the Commission, said that testimonies show that ISIS tries to subjugate civilians under its control and dominate every aspect of their lives through terror and indoctrination. Children in particular are being targeted, with militants using schools to recruit child soldiers.
Pinheiro also said that abuses, violations and crimes committed by ISIS against Syrians have been deliberate and calculated. He added that executions, amputations and lashings in public places have become a regular occurrence; that women and girls are being excluded from public life and sometimes sold into sexual slavery; and that children are being indoctrinated in the extremist ideology of ISIS as a way to foster a new generation of recruits.
The report noted that ISIS militants have committed murder and other inhumane acts, enslavement, rape, sexual slavery and violence, forcible displacement, enforced disappearance and torture. Witness statements say that ISIS has beheaded, shot and stoned men, women and children in public places across north-eastern Syria. Executions have become commonplace, with corpses being publicly displayed and heads placed on spikes along park railings.
The report included accounts of abductions of women and girls who are being held as sexual slaves and says that those who are held by ISIS are being raped by multiple militants when they return from the battlefront. In ISIS-controlled areas of Syria, women and girls have largely been confined to their houses, with regulations dictating what they must wear, who they can socialise with and where they may work.
Pinheiro stated that ISIS is using education as a way of indoctrinating a new generation of supporters. He says that, in many areas, the school curriculum has been amended to reflect the ideology of ISIS and also includes weapons training.
He said "they are caught, they are indoctrinated and they return to their families and they function as a sort of time bomb because they will be in contradiction of what their parents are practicing in terms of religion or any social practice."
Vitit Muntarbhorn, one of the Commissioners, elaborated on the abuses of children. He stressed they were forced to watch public executions and indoctrinated in school. He stressed that child soldiers were not perpetrators of crimes but victims and should be treated as such.
He added "it is the adults who are the perpetrators and who instrumentalise the children."
The Commission noted that the lack of a political process has allowed extremism to fester and that the international community and the Syrian Government must seek a sustainable solution to the on-going armed conflict.
A new report of the UN Commission of Inquiry dealing with Syria has documented shocking accounts of the ISIS (Da'esh) armed group's use of terror to subjugate Syrians living in its areas of control, as well as the use of extreme violence against both civilians and captured fighters.
Its origins lie in the establishment of Al-Qaeda in
Iraq (AQI) by Abu Musab Al-
Zarqawi in 2004. After merging with other Iraqi jih
adist groups in 2006, AQI rebranded
itself as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). Although
degraded by the 2006 - 2011 US
counterterrorism campaign in Iraq, the group took a
dvantage of the instability in the region
to further recruit and mobilise, a process that acc
elerated with the outbreak of the Syrian
conflict. In 2011, ISI members joined local radical militants in Syria as part of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat Al-Nusra armed group to fight against Government forces.
The report states, The external support provided to all belligeren
ts in Syria has contributed to the
radicalisation of armed groups, ultimately benefitt
ing ISIS. Charity organisations and
wealthy individuals funded radical entities willing
to promote their ideologies and serve
their agendas. Arms and support provided to armed g
roups deemed as moderate have
repeatedly fallen into the hands of more radical ac
tors, including ISIS.
12. The arrival of large numbers of foreign fighter
s has contributed to the group’s
expansion as the most extreme and experienced indiv
iduals have joined its ranks. Until very recently, the international community and neighbouring states failed to put in place efficient
measures to prevent access to the conflict area.
Based on over 300 first-hand victim and witness accounts, the report provides a unique insight from Syrian men, women and children who fled or who are living in ISIS-controlled areas.
Among the commission of inquiry's recommendations is a call to engage international accountability mechanisms, including the International Criminal Court, to hold individuals, including ISIS commanders, responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Paulo Pinheiro, Chairman of the Commission, said that testimonies show that ISIS tries to subjugate civilians under its control and dominate every aspect of their lives through terror and indoctrination. Children in particular are being targeted, with militants using schools to recruit child soldiers.
Pinheiro also said that abuses, violations and crimes committed by ISIS against Syrians have been deliberate and calculated. He added that executions, amputations and lashings in public places have become a regular occurrence; that women and girls are being excluded from public life and sometimes sold into sexual slavery; and that children are being indoctrinated in the extremist ideology of ISIS as a way to foster a new generation of recruits.
The report noted that ISIS militants have committed murder and other inhumane acts, enslavement, rape, sexual slavery and violence, forcible displacement, enforced disappearance and torture. Witness statements say that ISIS has beheaded, shot and stoned men, women and children in public places across north-eastern Syria. Executions have become commonplace, with corpses being publicly displayed and heads placed on spikes along park railings.
The report included accounts of abductions of women and girls who are being held as sexual slaves and says that those who are held by ISIS are being raped by multiple militants when they return from the battlefront. In ISIS-controlled areas of Syria, women and girls have largely been confined to their houses, with regulations dictating what they must wear, who they can socialise with and where they may work.
Pinheiro stated that ISIS is using education as a way of indoctrinating a new generation of supporters. He says that, in many areas, the school curriculum has been amended to reflect the ideology of ISIS and also includes weapons training.
He said "they are caught, they are indoctrinated and they return to their families and they function as a sort of time bomb because they will be in contradiction of what their parents are practicing in terms of religion or any social practice."
Vitit Muntarbhorn, one of the Commissioners, elaborated on the abuses of children. He stressed they were forced to watch public executions and indoctrinated in school. He stressed that child soldiers were not perpetrators of crimes but victims and should be treated as such.
He added "it is the adults who are the perpetrators and who instrumentalise the children."
The Commission noted that the lack of a political process has allowed extremism to fester and that the international community and the Syrian Government must seek a sustainable solution to the on-going armed conflict.
الفنان المصور هاغوب فانيسيان عرض شهاداته على مأساة حلب في معرض في نيويورك. هاغوب أكد أن عمله لكل السوريين في الداخل والخارج، وقلبه ينفطر حزنا على سوريا وشعبها.
الفنان المصور هاغوب فانيسيان عرض شهاداته على مأساة حلب في معرض في نيويورك. هاغوب أكد أن عمله لكل السوريين في الداخل والخارج، وقلبه ينفطر حزنا على سوريا وشعبها.
الطفلة الموريتانيّة أو اليمنية تُرمى في الشارع السعودي بعد دورتها الشهرية الأولى Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Ch...
الطفلة الموريتانيّة أو اليمنية تُرمى في الشارع السعودي بعد دورتها الشهرية الأولى Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Ch...
لماذا لم يشارك وفد صنعاء في إجتماعات جنيف؟ لماذا أجهض إتفاق السلم والشراكة؟ ما سر صيغة ٧ مقابل ٧؟ هذه وغيرها يجيب عنها مبعوث الامين العام للأمم المتحدة إلى اليمن، إسماعيل ولد شيخ أحمد.
لماذا لم يشارك وفد صنعاء في إجتماعات جنيف؟ لماذا أجهض إتفاق السلم والشراكة؟ ما سر صيغة ٧ مقابل ٧؟ هذه وغيرها يجيب عنها مبعوث الامين العام للأمم المتحدة إلى اليمن، إسماعيل ولد شيخ أحمد.
قبل ثماني سنوات كان الدكتور عبدالله النفيسي يحذر من خطر خلق سنغافورة جديدة في الخليج. هل تغير شيء بعدها؟ وهل الأمور أفضل حالا اليوم. مقابلة مع النفيسي عام ٢٠٠٧ على قناة الجزيرة التي يتحدث عن مشروع إسرائيلي لاحتلال شريط النفط.
قبل ثماني سنوات كان الدكتور عبدالله النفيسي يحذر من خطر خلق سنغافورة جديدة في الخليج. هل تغير شيء بعدها؟ وهل الأمور أفضل حالا اليوم. مقابلة مع النفيسي عام ٢٠٠٧ على قناة الجزيرة التي يتحدث عن مشروع إسرائيلي لاحتلال شريط النفط.
European youth radicalization, reasons explained.
Nobody associated Wahabis to extremism, though wherever Saudi Wahabi teachings are practiced, terrorists thrive.
European youth radicalization, reasons explained.
Nobody associated Wahabis to extremism, though wherever Saudi Wahabi teachings are practiced, terrorists thrive.
I had the time to get an interview with the recent YCS Charlotte champion Sean Coovert, and his teammate Nizar Sarhan; also winner of YCS Dallas, Texas! Here...
The Return of Nizar Sarhan Interview after his 1 year ban!
The Return of Nizar Sarhan Interview after his 1 year ban!
The Return of Nizar Sarhan Interview after his 1 year ban!
Please Subscribe, and follow me on all Social Networks I have Linked Below!! I Hope that you guys Like this video and That you will"Like" it!! How To Contact...
Dr.Allah Nizar Baloch Interview on BBC
Dr.Allah Nizar Baloch Interview on BBC
Dr.Allah Nizar Baloch Interview on BBC
Dr.Allah Nizar Baloch interview on BBC urdu service.
نزار قباني * قصيدة: الديك * Nizar Qabbani
نزار قباني * قصيدة: الديك * Nizar Qabbani
نزار قباني * قصيدة: الديك * Nizar Qabbani
نزار قباني * قصيدة: الديك * Nizar Qabbani nizar kabani * الشعر * اللغة العربية * الاداب العربي * كتاب * كتاب * السياسة * العلم * سوريا * عربي.
Interview de M. Nizar Chabchoub Responsable Commercial SmartHome Group
Interview de M. Nizar Chabchoub Responsable Commercial SmartHome Group
Interview de M. Nizar Chabchoub Responsable Commercial SmartHome Group
Kick Boxing - NIZAR GALLAS interview Made In Paris Fight
Kick Boxing - NIZAR GALLAS interview Made In Paris Fight
Kick Boxing - NIZAR GALLAS interview Made In Paris Fight
L'interview de NIZAR GALLAS réalisée par Paris Fight
Réalisation: Jean-Charles Dugué https://www.facebook.com/com4social
Boutique PARIS FIGHT (Toumi Zeghoubi)
50, rue Palloy 92110 Clichy-La-Garenne
E-mail: parisfight@orange.fr
Tél: 01 40 87 08 75
Ouverte du Lundi au Samedi de 11h00 à 19h00.
Soutenez l'initiative PARIS FIGHT !
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/madeinparisfight
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pages/PARIS-FIGHT-Officiel/522622257761061
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Paris_Fight
DAILYMOTION: http://www.dailymotion.com/PARIS_FIGHT
Haroon Bacha Interview pa Shamshad TV Nizar Yousafzai awo Khurshed Khan sara Part 1 1
Haroon Bacha Interview pa Shamshad TV Nizar Yousafzai awo Khurshed Khan sara Part 1 1
Haroon Bacha Interview pa Shamshad TV Nizar Yousafzai awo Khurshed Khan sara Part 1 1
Haroon Bacha Interview pa Shamshad TV Nizar Yousafzai awo Khurshed Khan sara Part 2
Haroon Bacha Interview pa Shamshad TV Nizar Yousafzai awo Khurshed Khan sara Part 2
Haroon Bacha Interview pa Shamshad TV Nizar Yousafzai awo Khurshed Khan sara Part 2
SEASON 4 EP 180 ZINDA UMEED (A LIVING HOPE) Interview with Rev.Nizar Shaheen
SEASON 4 EP 180 ZINDA UMEED (A LIVING HOPE) Interview with Rev.Nizar Shaheen
SEASON 4 EP 180 ZINDA UMEED (A LIVING HOPE) Interview with Rev.Nizar Shaheen
Pastor Peter Paul interviews Rev. Nizar Shaheen (Founder & President of Light For All Nations)
Interview Exclusive de Nizar Baraka: " Nous vivons au dessus de nos moyens "
Interview Exclusive de Nizar Baraka: " Nous vivons au dessus de nos moyens "
Interview Exclusive de Nizar Baraka: " Nous vivons au dessus de nos moyens "
Nizar Baraka: "Les dépenses ordinaires sont plus importantes que les recettes ordinaires. Nous vivons au-dessus de nos moyens. Alors si nous continuons sur c...
Qatar Project Management (QPM) – CNBC Arabic interview with Salah Nizar
Qatar Project Management (QPM) – CNBC Arabic interview with Salah Nizar
Qatar Project Management (QPM) – CNBC Arabic interview with Salah Nizar
Salah Nizar, sustainability director at Qatar Project Management (QPM), chairs the 6th Annual Middle East District Cooling Summit and participates as keynote speaker and in many high profile panel discussions
Interview avec Nizar Chaâri - La stratégie e-Marketing de Tunivisions
Interview avec Nizar Chaâri - La stratégie e-Marketing de Tunivisions
Interview avec Nizar Chaâri - La stratégie e-Marketing de Tunivisions
Lors des Marketing Days organisés par Méditerranée Tunisie à l'IHEC de Carthage, j'ai pu interviewer Nizar Chaâri, PDG de Tunivions, pour savoir en quoi cons...
Interview de M. Nizar JELLALI - Recruitment manager Groupe POULINA
Interview de M. Nizar JELLALI - Recruitment manager Groupe POULINA
Interview de M. Nizar JELLALI - Recruitment manager Groupe POULINA
Court métrage "Paintball Hammamet" + Interview avec Mr Nizar Zarrouki
Court métrage "Paintball Hammamet" + Interview avec Mr Nizar Zarrouki
Court métrage "Paintball Hammamet" + Interview avec Mr Nizar Zarrouki
Court métrage "Paintball Hammamet" + Interview avec Mr Nizar Zarrouki le gérant du Paintball Hammamet; Production Groupe M24
Site web : www.maghreb24tv.com
Whispers Interview - Nizar Ayed
Whispers Interview - Nizar Ayed
Whispers Interview - Nizar Ayed
Whispers Interview features Nizar Ayed, representing FullComMedia, a company which develops, produces and distributes a very interesting product for managing content over multiple screens and projectors.
#FIAD2015 interview avec M. Nizar Barak Président du CESE
#FIAD2015 interview avec M. Nizar Barak Président du CESE
#FIAD2015 interview avec M. Nizar Barak Président du CESE
Interview réalisé par #instAfrique avec M. Nizar Baraka Président du CESE dans le cadre de sa participation au #FIAD2015
I had the time to get an interview with the recent YCS Charlotte champion Sean Coovert, and his teammate Nizar Sarhan; also winner of YCS Dallas, Texas! Here...
I had the time to get an interview with the recent YCS Charlotte champion Sean Coovert, and his teammate Nizar Sarhan; also winner of YCS Dallas, Texas! Here...
Please Subscribe, and follow me on all Social Networks I have Linked Below!! I Hope that you guys Like this video and That you will"Like" it!! How To Contact...
Please Subscribe, and follow me on all Social Networks I have Linked Below!! I Hope that you guys Like this video and That you will"Like" it!! How To Contact...
Nizar Baraka: "Les dépenses ordinaires sont plus importantes que les recettes ordinaires. Nous vivons au-dessus de nos moyens. Alors si nous continuons sur c...
Nizar Baraka: "Les dépenses ordinaires sont plus importantes que les recettes ordinaires. Nous vivons au-dessus de nos moyens. Alors si nous continuons sur c...
Salah Nizar, sustainability director at Qatar Project Management (QPM), chairs the 6th Annual Middle East District Cooling Summit and participates as keynote speaker and in many high profile panel discussions
Salah Nizar, sustainability director at Qatar Project Management (QPM), chairs the 6th Annual Middle East District Cooling Summit and participates as keynote speaker and in many high profile panel discussions
published:09 Dec 2014
Interview avec Nizar Chaâri - La stratégie e-Marketing de Tunivisions
Lors des Marketing Days organisés par Méditerranée Tunisie à l'IHEC de Carthage, j'ai pu interviewer Nizar Chaâri, PDG de Tunivions, pour savoir en quoi cons...
Lors des Marketing Days organisés par Méditerranée Tunisie à l'IHEC de Carthage, j'ai pu interviewer Nizar Chaâri, PDG de Tunivions, pour savoir en quoi cons...
Court métrage "Paintball Hammamet" + Interview avec Mr Nizar Zarrouki le gérant du Paintball Hammamet; Production Groupe M24
Site web : www.maghreb24tv.com
Court métrage "Paintball Hammamet" + Interview avec Mr Nizar Zarrouki le gérant du Paintball Hammamet; Production Groupe M24
Site web : www.maghreb24tv.com
Whispers Interview features Nizar Ayed, representing FullComMedia, a company which develops, produces and distributes a very interesting product for managing content over multiple screens and projectors.
Whispers Interview features Nizar Ayed, representing FullComMedia, a company which develops, produces and distributes a very interesting product for managing content over multiple screens and projectors.
published:12 Jul 2013
#FIAD2015 interview avec M. Nizar Barak Président du CESE
Syria is Fighting Terrorism on Behalf of the World - Jaafari
Syria is Fighting Terrorism on Behalf of the World - Jaafari
Syria is Fighting Terrorism on Behalf of the World - Jaafari
Syria's 'Piecemeal Freeze Zones' Suggested
Syria's 'Piecemeal Freeze Zones' Suggested
Syria's 'Piecemeal Freeze Zones' Suggested
Staffan de Mistura, and Bashar Al-Jaafari about ISIS, Turkey, Syria, Saudi, Jordan, and Western plans for Syria.
"Syrian sovereignty is a red line", says Jaafari. and asks, "Why defeating ISIS will take many many years?"
Burundi 1972 Genocide - NYC Press Conf.
Burundi 1972 Genocide - NYC Press Conf.
Burundi 1972 Genocide - NYC Press Conf.
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what really happened in that African state. Victims, survivors and their kins are still trying to pass the message as they did this year in their second conference organized by Collective of Survivors and Victims of 1972 Hutu Genocide of Burundi in the Millennium Hotel Plaza, NY, 2015. Judge John Philpot, who sits on Kuala Lumpur International Court attended to sound his concerns about international justice.
Main speakers are:
Mr. Frederic Nzeyimana, International Coordinator
Dr. Amedee Nkeshimana, European Coordinator
Dr. Levi Rukundo,Conference Host.
Burundi 1972 Genocide NYC 1
Burundi 1972 Genocide NYC 1
Burundi 1972 Genocide NYC 1
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what really happened in that African state. Victims, survivors and their kins are still trying to pass the message as they did this year in their second conference organized by Collective of Survivors and Victims of 1972 Hutu Genocide of Burundi in the Millennium Hotel Plaza, NY, 2015. Judge John Philpot attended to sound his concerns about international justice. Dr. Amedee Nkeshimana and Dr. Levi Rukundo were the two main speakers at the event.
Burundi 1972 Genocide NYC 2
Burundi 1972 Genocide NYC 2
Burundi 1972 Genocide NYC 2
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what really happened in that African state. Victims, survivors and their kins are still trying to pass the message as they did this year in their second conference organized by Collective of Survivors and Victims of 1972 Hutu Genocide of Burundi in the Millennium Hotel Plaza, NY, 2015. Judge John Philpot, who sits on Kuala Lumpur International Court attended to sound his concerns about international justice.
Main speakers are:
Mr. Frederic Nzeyimana, International Coordinator
Dr. Amedee Nkeshimana, European Coordinator
Dr. Levi Rukundo,Conference Host.
لا حوار مع الإرهاب ـ والسعودية وقطر تمولان العلاج في إسرائيل
لا حوار مع الإرهاب ـ والسعودية وقطر تمولان العلاج في إسرائيل
لا حوار مع الإرهاب ـ والسعودية وقطر تمولان العلاج في إسرائيل
بشار الجعفري في حديث لبرنامج العد العكسي على الميادين
US Stands Against Burundi President's 3rd. Term Bid
US Stands Against Burundi President's 3rd. Term Bid
US Stands Against Burundi President's 3rd. Term Bid
Burundi's leader Pierre Nkurunziza has launched his third-term bid in the capital Bujumbura, defying criticism from the African Union (AU) and the US
أخوّة هابيل وقابيل بين السعودية وسوريا
أخوّة هابيل وقابيل بين السعودية وسوريا
أخوّة هابيل وقابيل بين السعودية وسوريا
السعودي يقر بأن سوريا جمهورية عربية وليست نظاما. ، ومندوبها يقول إنه ليس من وزن السوري في الحجة والمنطق. ويجلب لحكومته المطالبة بحق الشعبين السعودي والقطري في الحرية والديموقراطية والخلاص من المشعوذين وفتاواهم؟
Finkelstein, "International Law is Crazy"
Finkelstein, "International Law is Crazy"
Finkelstein, "International Law is Crazy"
When nuclear is ok why anything else is not? Finkelstein about Israel's repeated attacks against Gaza and where the international community stands.
Professor Chomsky's Solidarity With Palestine at UN
Professor Chomsky's Solidarity With Palestine at UN
Professor Chomsky's Solidarity With Palestine at UN
ALSO WATCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJh5muRa8zk
UNDOF Abandoned Positions Weapons and Clothes in Syrian Golan, Why?
UNDOF Abandoned Positions Weapons and Clothes in Syrian Golan, Why?
UNDOF Abandoned Positions Weapons and Clothes in Syrian Golan, Why?
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syria's Perm. Rep. to the UN raises many questions about the UN's recent pullout from the separation zone of the Golan. Israel is establishing a separation zone like Lebanon's back in the 20 century.
Saudi Generals are Killed in Syria
Saudi Generals are Killed in Syria
Saudi Generals are Killed in Syria
Armenians targeted once more by Turkey. The West is watching indifferently. Bashar Jaafari accuses. The UN has conducted two monitoring missions to Lattakia ...
Heated Western_Russian Debate on Ukraine
Heated Western_Russian Debate on Ukraine
Heated Western_Russian Debate on Ukraine
UN SC meeting on Ukraine ends up with a heated exchange between Ukranian, Lithuanian and Russian representatives to the UN.
وئام وهاب: الدروز سيقاتلون النصرة دفاعا عن أنفسهم.
UN: Lift Blockade on Yemen Before a Humanitarian Disaster
UN: Lift Blockade on Yemen Before a Humanitarian Disaster
UN: Lift Blockade on Yemen Before a Humanitarian Disaster
Jamal Bin Omar, UN Yemen envoy, blames Saudi attacks for failed political process.
Seymour Hersh Exposes Erdogan's Chemical Adventure in Syria
Seymour Hersh Exposes Erdogan's Chemical Adventure in Syria
Seymour Hersh Exposes Erdogan's Chemical Adventure in Syria
The US author reveals secret US reports warning that Al-Nusrah terrorist group affiliated with Qatar and Turkey, posses a chemical weapons cell. Worst threat...
Why Obama is talking to Iran
Why Obama is talking to Iran
Why Obama is talking to Iran
Tirta Parsi, Author of Single Roll of the Dice Discussing US - Iran dialogue.
If Israel and Saudi Arabia Listen
If Israel and Saudi Arabia Listen
If Israel and Saudi Arabia Listen
Religious zealotry and monopoly of truth by espousing religion with power should stop.
Iraqi Christians Under Ethnic Cleansing Since 2003
Iraqi Christians Under Ethnic Cleansing Since 2003
Iraqi Christians Under Ethnic Cleansing Since 2003
The US and Wahabi invasions of Iraq rendered 1.4 m. of Iraq's Christians stateless. Christians all over the Middle East are terrorized by Wahabi Salafi Israeli Zionists massacres and racist ideologies. They are forced to flee their homeland. Some Western counties are offering help and looking like saviors.
Bishop Sarhad Yawsip Jammo-- Senior Chaldean Catholic Bishop of America
Mark Arabo- National Spokesman for the Iraqi Christian community, western United States
Rabbi Berkowitz with Lubavitch World Headquarters
Nuns from the Workers of the Vineyard of St Peter's Diocese of the Chaldean Catholic Church
Syrian Ambassador Accuses Eu of Supporting Terrorism
Syrian Ambassador Accuses Eu of Supporting Terrorism
Syrian Ambassador Accuses Eu of Supporting Terrorism
Old Homs negotiations are to resume in order for the armed groups to leave.
Syria is Fighting Terrorism on Behalf of the World - Jaafari
Staffan de Mistura, and Bashar Al-Jaafari about ISIS, Turkey, Syria, Saudi, Jordan, and Western plans for Syria.
"Syrian sovereignty is a red line", says Jaafari. and asks, "Why defeating ISIS will take many many years?"
Staffan de Mistura, and Bashar Al-Jaafari about ISIS, Turkey, Syria, Saudi, Jordan, and Western plans for Syria.
"Syrian sovereignty is a red line", says Jaafari. and asks, "Why defeating ISIS will take many many years?"
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what really happened in that African state. Victims, survivors and their kins are still trying to pass the message as they did this year in their second conference organized by Collective of Survivors and Victims of 1972 Hutu Genocide of Burundi in the Millennium Hotel Plaza, NY, 2015. Judge John Philpot, who sits on Kuala Lumpur International Court attended to sound his concerns about international justice.
Main speakers are:
Mr. Frederic Nzeyimana, International Coordinator
Dr. Amedee Nkeshimana, European Coordinator
Dr. Levi Rukundo,Conference Host.
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what really happened in that African state. Victims, survivors and their kins are still trying to pass the message as they did this year in their second conference organized by Collective of Survivors and Victims of 1972 Hutu Genocide of Burundi in the Millennium Hotel Plaza, NY, 2015. Judge John Philpot, who sits on Kuala Lumpur International Court attended to sound his concerns about international justice.
Main speakers are:
Mr. Frederic Nzeyimana, International Coordinator
Dr. Amedee Nkeshimana, European Coordinator
Dr. Levi Rukundo,Conference Host.
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what really happened in that African state. Victims, survivors and their kins are still trying to pass the message as they did this year in their second conference organized by Collective of Survivors and Victims of 1972 Hutu Genocide of Burundi in the Millennium Hotel Plaza, NY, 2015. Judge John Philpot attended to sound his concerns about international justice. Dr. Amedee Nkeshimana and Dr. Levi Rukundo were the two main speakers at the event.
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what really happened in that African state. Victims, survivors and their kins are still trying to pass the message as they did this year in their second conference organized by Collective of Survivors and Victims of 1972 Hutu Genocide of Burundi in the Millennium Hotel Plaza, NY, 2015. Judge John Philpot attended to sound his concerns about international justice. Dr. Amedee Nkeshimana and Dr. Levi Rukundo were the two main speakers at the event.
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what really happened in that African state. Victims, survivors and their kins are still trying to pass the message as they did this year in their second conference organized by Collective of Survivors and Victims of 1972 Hutu Genocide of Burundi in the Millennium Hotel Plaza, NY, 2015. Judge John Philpot, who sits on Kuala Lumpur International Court attended to sound his concerns about international justice.
Main speakers are:
Mr. Frederic Nzeyimana, International Coordinator
Dr. Amedee Nkeshimana, European Coordinator
Dr. Levi Rukundo,Conference Host.
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what really happened in that African state. Victims, survivors and their kins are still trying to pass the message as they did this year in their second conference organized by Collective of Survivors and Victims of 1972 Hutu Genocide of Burundi in the Millennium Hotel Plaza, NY, 2015. Judge John Philpot, who sits on Kuala Lumpur International Court attended to sound his concerns about international justice.
Main speakers are:
Mr. Frederic Nzeyimana, International Coordinator
Dr. Amedee Nkeshimana, European Coordinator
Dr. Levi Rukundo,Conference Host.
published:02 May 2015
لا حوار مع الإرهاب ـ والسعودية وقطر تمولان العلاج في إسرائيل
السعودي يقر بأن سوريا جمهورية عربية وليست نظاما. ، ومندوبها يقول إنه ليس من وزن السوري في الحجة والمنطق. ويجلب لحكومته المطالبة بحق الشعبين السعودي والقطري في الحرية والديموقراطية والخلاص من المشعوذين وفتاواهم؟
السعودي يقر بأن سوريا جمهورية عربية وليست نظاما. ، ومندوبها يقول إنه ليس من وزن السوري في الحجة والمنطق. ويجلب لحكومته المطالبة بحق الشعبين السعودي والقطري في الحرية والديموقراطية والخلاص من المشعوذين وفتاواهم؟
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syria's Perm. Rep. to the UN raises many questions about the UN's recent pullout from the separation zone of the Golan. Israel is establishing a separation zone like Lebanon's back in the 20 century.
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syria's Perm. Rep. to the UN raises many questions about the UN's recent pullout from the separation zone of the Golan. Israel is establishing a separation zone like Lebanon's back in the 20 century.
Armenians targeted once more by Turkey. The West is watching indifferently. Bashar Jaafari accuses. The UN has conducted two monitoring missions to Lattakia ...
Armenians targeted once more by Turkey. The West is watching indifferently. Bashar Jaafari accuses. The UN has conducted two monitoring missions to Lattakia ...
The US author reveals secret US reports warning that Al-Nusrah terrorist group affiliated with Qatar and Turkey, posses a chemical weapons cell. Worst threat...
The US author reveals secret US reports warning that Al-Nusrah terrorist group affiliated with Qatar and Turkey, posses a chemical weapons cell. Worst threat...
The US and Wahabi invasions of Iraq rendered 1.4 m. of Iraq's Christians stateless. Christians all over the Middle East are terrorized by Wahabi Salafi Israeli Zionists massacres and racist ideologies. They are forced to flee their homeland. Some Western counties are offering help and looking like saviors.
Bishop Sarhad Yawsip Jammo-- Senior Chaldean Catholic Bishop of America
Mark Arabo- National Spokesman for the Iraqi Christian community, western United States
Rabbi Berkowitz with Lubavitch World Headquarters
Nuns from the Workers of the Vineyard of St Peter's Diocese of the Chaldean Catholic Church
The US and Wahabi invasions of Iraq rendered 1.4 m. of Iraq's Christians stateless. Christians all over the Middle East are terrorized by Wahabi Salafi Israeli Zionists massacres and racist ideologies. They are forced to flee their homeland. Some Western counties are offering help and looking like saviors.
Bishop Sarhad Yawsip Jammo-- Senior Chaldean Catholic Bishop of America
Mark Arabo- National Spokesman for the Iraqi Christian community, western United States
Rabbi Berkowitz with Lubavitch World Headquarters
Nuns from the Workers of the Vineyard of St Peter's Diocese of the Chaldean Catholic Church
published:20 Sep 2014
Syrian Ambassador Accuses Eu of Supporting Terrorism
France which still does not admit killing 1.5 m Algerians pretends to be protecter of Syrians and cries "wolves". Wolves come back in disguise as grandmothers.
Yemen is Facing Famine
Yemen is Facing Famine
Yemen is Facing Famine
Stop war on Yemen, Stephen Obrien, UN Humanitarian chief warns of famine in 10 out of 22 Yemeni governorates.
Bahrain UN Demands Fair Trial for Shaikh Salman
Bahrain UN Demands Fair Trial for Shaikh Salman
Bahrain UN Demands Fair Trial for Shaikh Salman
the Secretary-General is concerned that Sheikh Ali Salman, Secretary General of the al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, Bahrain’s largest opposition society, was sentenced to four years in prison on 16 June. He urges the Bahraini authorities to enable Sheikh Ali Salman to exercise his right to appeal and to guarantee a fair trial. He also calls on the Bahraini authorities to act in accordance with their obligation to ensure the protection of freedom of expression and assembly.
The UN Secretary-General firmly believes that the best way to reduce tensions and ensure peace, stability and prosperity for all Bahrainis is through a genuine and
Palestinian Children Await International Justice
Palestinian Children Await International Justice
Palestinian Children Await International Justice
Ban Ki Moon, UN SG strikes Israel off the Shame list of Worst Abusers of Children in Armed Conflicts.
أطفال غزة لا يخضعون لنفس الرعاية الدولية كغيرهم
أطفال غزة لا يخضعون لنفس الرعاية الدولية كغيرهم
أطفال غزة لا يخضعون لنفس الرعاية الدولية كغيرهم
غزة تنتظر العدالة الدولية دون جدوى.
UN Failed to Convene Geneva Peace Conference on Yemen
UN Failed to Convene Geneva Peace Conference on Yemen
UN Failed to Convene Geneva Peace Conference on Yemen
Egypt and Sudan under instructions from Saudi Arabia delayed UN plane in Djibouti carrying political delegates of Yemen.
Protest Against Wars Everywhere
Protest Against Wars Everywhere
Protest Against Wars Everywhere
تضامن في نيويورك مع اليمن وسوريا واستنكار التعتيم الإعلامي والدعم العسكري الغربي للإرهاب المنظم والدول الراعية له.
UN Chief Delists Israel From Children's Crime List
UN Chief Delists Israel From Children's Crime List
UN Chief Delists Israel From Children's Crime List
Ban Ki Moon under pressure delists Israel of the shame list of near 600 children killed last year in Gaza and West Bank
Saudi Did not Honor $274 m. Yemen Appeal Pledge
Saudi Did not Honor $274 m. Yemen Appeal Pledge
Saudi Did not Honor $274 m. Yemen Appeal Pledge
Saudi Arabian gov. failed so far to honor its pledge to pay $274 m. Yemen's humanitarian appeal as promised. Yemen is facing a humanitarian disaster because of the wonton Saudi destruction of, Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the world
194 Yemeni Children Killed and 1m. Displaced
194 Yemeni Children Killed and 1m. Displaced
194 Yemeni Children Killed and 1m. Displaced
20m. Yemenis need food aid because of the Saudi war and blockade.
Hanan Ashrawi Explains the Palestinian Refugees' Plight
Hanan Ashrawi Explains the Palestinian Refugees' Plight
Hanan Ashrawi Explains the Palestinian Refugees' Plight
Hanan Ashrawi Explains the Palestinian Refugees' Plight
UNRWA Facing Insolvency
UNRWA Facing Insolvency
UNRWA Facing Insolvency
Wealthier nations dragging their feet in aid to the Palestinian refugees, after Israeli destruction and usurpation of their land and country.
UNRWA Facing Tougher Times
UNRWA Facing Tougher Times
UNRWA Facing Tougher Times
تتعرض وكالة أنروا للضغوط وحرمان الموارد من أجل تيئيس الفلسطينيين وحرمانهم الأمل بالعودة أو التعويض. كندا على رأس الدول المشاركة في الضغوط.
Israeli Parade in NYC
Israeli Parade in NYC
Israeli Parade in NYC
اليهود المعادين للصهيونية ناطوري كارتا يرفعون علم فلسطين، وليس العرب بكل أسف.
Amos Ends Term Calling for Peace in Syria
Amos Ends Term Calling for Peace in Syria
Amos Ends Term Calling for Peace in Syria
Valerie Amos, UN USG for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator last statement before ending he job at the UN.
Laundering Alnusrah Underway
Laundering Alnusrah Underway
Laundering Alnusrah Underway
Valery Amos asks the world to work harder on conflict prevention as aid is not forthcoming to Syrians and other nations.
Bashar Jaafari accuses the UN of deception and false allegations, and the GCC countries of financing terrorism alongside influential states and Turkey.
Saudi's Demolishing of Historical Holy Sites in Mecca Continues
Saudi's Demolishing of Historical Holy Sites in Mecca Continues
Saudi's Demolishing of Historical Holy Sites in Mecca Continues
Like IS in Syria and Iraq, Saudi Arabia left no old mosque around Kaaba not demolished. The world pays little attention.
الجعفري يراهن على تبييض النصرة قريبا
الجعفري يراهن على تبييض النصرة قريبا
الجعفري يراهن على تبييض النصرة قريبا
النصرة ستبيض في مجلس الأمن كما تبييض المافيا الأموال القذرة يقول الجعفري.
Yemen Geneva Conference at Stake
Yemen Geneva Conference at Stake
Yemen Geneva Conference at Stake
Two days before the convening of the Geneva Peace Conference on Yemen, the UN is still waiting for a positive response from the Saudi capital. The Saudis have put harsh conditions asking to dictate the agenda and the outcome of the conference in a way to conclude a political victory to their military attack against Yemen. The UN views the situation there as a humanitarian disaster.
جسر الشغور سقطت وكذلك قلوب الغزاة
جسر الشغور سقطت وكذلك قلوب الغزاة
جسر الشغور سقطت وكذلك قلوب الغزاة
قذيفة تسقط أثناء مقابلة مع أحد إرهابيي جبهة النصرة في جسر الشغور
France which still does not admit killing 1.5 m Algerians pretends to be protecter of Syrians and cries "wolves". Wolves come back in disguise as grandmothers.
France which still does not admit killing 1.5 m Algerians pretends to be protecter of Syrians and cries "wolves". Wolves come back in disguise as grandmothers.
the Secretary-General is concerned that Sheikh Ali Salman, Secretary General of the al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, Bahrain’s largest opposition society, was sentenced to four years in prison on 16 June. He urges the Bahraini authorities to enable Sheikh Ali Salman to exercise his right to appeal and to guarantee a fair trial. He also calls on the Bahraini authorities to act in accordance with their obligation to ensure the protection of freedom of expression and assembly.
The UN Secretary-General firmly believes that the best way to reduce tensions and ensure peace, stability and prosperity for all Bahrainis is through a genuine and all-inclusive political dialogue between the Government and the opposition.
the Secretary-General is concerned that Sheikh Ali Salman, Secretary General of the al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, Bahrain’s largest opposition society, was sentenced to four years in prison on 16 June. He urges the Bahraini authorities to enable Sheikh Ali Salman to exercise his right to appeal and to guarantee a fair trial. He also calls on the Bahraini authorities to act in accordance with their obligation to ensure the protection of freedom of expression and assembly.
The UN Secretary-General firmly believes that the best way to reduce tensions and ensure peace, stability and prosperity for all Bahrainis is through a genuine and all-inclusive political dialogue between the Government and the opposition.
Saudi Arabian gov. failed so far to honor its pledge to pay $274 m. Yemen's humanitarian appeal as promised. Yemen is facing a humanitarian disaster because of the wonton Saudi destruction of, Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the world
Saudi Arabian gov. failed so far to honor its pledge to pay $274 m. Yemen's humanitarian appeal as promised. Yemen is facing a humanitarian disaster because of the wonton Saudi destruction of, Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the world
Valery Amos asks the world to work harder on conflict prevention as aid is not forthcoming to Syrians and other nations.
Bashar Jaafari accuses the UN of deception and false allegations, and the GCC countries of financing terrorism alongside influential states and Turkey.
Valery Amos asks the world to work harder on conflict prevention as aid is not forthcoming to Syrians and other nations.
Bashar Jaafari accuses the UN of deception and false allegations, and the GCC countries of financing terrorism alongside influential states and Turkey.
published:28 May 2015
Saudi's Demolishing of Historical Holy Sites in Mecca Continues
Two days before the convening of the Geneva Peace Conference on Yemen, the UN is still waiting for a positive response from the Saudi capital. The Saudis have put harsh conditions asking to dictate the agenda and the outcome of the conference in a way to conclude a political victory to their military attack against Yemen. The UN views the situation there as a humanitarian disaster.
Two days before the convening of the Geneva Peace Conference on Yemen, the UN is still waiting for a positive response from the Saudi capital. The Saudis have put harsh conditions asking to dictate the agenda and the outcome of the conference in a way to conclude a political victory to their military attack against Yemen. The UN views the situation there as a humanitarian disaster.
In Golan terrorists get paid ransom by Qatar with the help of Israel...
published:21 Oct 2014
Syria Lambasts Alliance for Terrorism
Syria Lambasts Alliance for Terrorism
In Golan terrorists get paid ransom by Qatar with the help of Israel
published:21 Oct 2014
Syria's Response to Internationlal Inquiry 9th Report
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syria's Perm. Rep to the UN accusing the commission of bias....
published:20 Feb 2015
Syria's Response to Internationlal Inquiry 9th Report
Syria's Response to Internationlal Inquiry 9th Report
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syria's Perm. Rep to the UN accusing the commission of bias.
published:20 Feb 2015
Syria Sensing Looming Military Attacks
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syrian Perm. Rep to the UN expresses concerns regarding allegations abo...
published:07 Mar 2015
Syria Sensing Looming Military Attacks
Syria Sensing Looming Military Attacks
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syrian Perm. Rep to the UN expresses concerns regarding allegations about use of chlorine gas in Syria. He accused US, UK and France of aggressive intentions.
published:07 Mar 2015
Press Freedom under attack in Paris, the view from the UN
Nizar Abboud, United Nations Correspondent for Al-Akhbar (Beirut) and AlMayadeen TV, gives...
published:08 Jan 2015
Press Freedom under attack in Paris, the view from the UN
Press Freedom under attack in Paris, the view from the UN
Nizar Abboud, United Nations Correspondent for Al-Akhbar (Beirut) and AlMayadeen TV, gives La VOCE di New York his opinion on the attack in France against the journalists of Charlie Hebdo
published:08 Jan 2015
Syrian Staunch Attack Against Israel and Qatar
Diplomatic exchange at the UN. Syria accuses Israel and Qatar of supporting armed terroris...
published:18 Nov 2014
Syrian Staunch Attack Against Israel and Qatar
Syrian Staunch Attack Against Israel and Qatar
Diplomatic exchange at the UN. Syria accuses Israel and Qatar of supporting armed terrorist groups inside Syria and in Syrian Golan.
published:18 Nov 2014
French Diplomat Forgets Who He Represents - Syria
Diplomate français oubliee qui il Représente
Francois Delattre, French Representative to ...
published:03 Mar 2015
French Diplomat Forgets Who He Represents - Syria
French Diplomat Forgets Who He Represents - Syria
Diplomate français oubliee qui il Représente
Francois Delattre, French Representative to the UN speaking as President of the UN Security Council says that Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad has no place in Syria's future.
François Delattre , représentant français à l'ONU en tant que Président du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies dit que le président syrien Bachar Al -Assad n'a pas sa place dans l'avenir de la Syrie .
published:03 Mar 2015
معارضة سورية يقودها أردني في الجولان السوري
بشار الجعفري في أعنف هجوم على جهاز الأمم المتحدة ومعاييرها المزدوجة...
published:17 Nov 2014
معارضة سورية يقودها أردني في الجولان السوري
معارضة سورية يقودها أردني في الجولان السوري
بشار الجعفري في أعنف هجوم على جهاز الأمم المتحدة ومعاييرها المزدوجة
published:17 Nov 2014
المطران فيليب صليبا في ذمة الله
رحل المطران العروبي الكبير فيليب صليبا، مطران أميركا الشمالية للكنيسة الأرثوذكسية الأنطاكي...
Arab and Western Govs. Support Terrorism in Syria, UN Report
A new report of the UN Commission of Inquiry dealing with Syria has documented shocking ac...
published:15 Nov 2014
Arab and Western Govs. Support Terrorism in Syria, UN Report
Arab and Western Govs. Support Terrorism in Syria, UN Report
A new report of the UN Commission of Inquiry dealing with Syria has documented shocking accounts of the ISIS (Da'esh) armed group's use of terror to subjugate Syrians living in its areas of control, as well as the use of extreme violence against both civilians and captured fighters.
Its origins lie in the establishment of Al-Qaeda in
Iraq (AQI) by Abu Musab Al-
Zarqawi in 2004. After merging with other Iraqi jih
adist groups in 2006, AQI rebranded
itself as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). Although
degraded by the 2006 - 2011 US
counterterrorism campaign in Iraq, the group took a
dvantage of the instability in the region
to further recruit and mobilise, a process that acc
elerated with the outbreak of the Syrian
conflict. In 2011, ISI members joined local radical militants in Syria as part of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat Al-Nusra armed group to fight against Government forces.
The report states, The external support provided to all belligeren
ts in Syria has contributed to the
radicalisation of armed groups, ultimately benefitt
ing ISIS. Charity organisations and
wealthy individuals funded radical entities willing
to promote their ideologies and serve
their agendas. Arms and support provided to armed g
roups deemed as moderate have
repeatedly fallen into the hands of more radical ac
tors, including ISIS.
12. The arrival of large numbers of foreign fighter
s has contributed to the group’s
expansion as the most extreme and experienced indiv
iduals have joined its ranks. Until very recently, the international community and neighbouring states failed to put in place efficient
measures to prevent access to the conflict area.
Based on over 300 first-hand victim and witness accounts, the report provides a unique insight from Syrian men, women and children who fled or who are living in ISIS-controlled areas.
Among the commission of inquiry's recommendations is a call to engage international accountability mechanisms, including the International Criminal Court, to hold individuals, including ISIS commanders, responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Paulo Pinheiro, Chairman of the Commission, said that testimonies show that ISIS tries to subjugate civilians under its control and dominate every aspect of their lives through terror and indoctrination. Children in particular are being targeted, with militants using schools to recruit child soldiers.
Pinheiro also said that abuses, violations and crimes committed by ISIS against Syrians have been deliberate and calculated. He added that executions, amputations and lashings in public places have become a regular occurrence; that women and girls are being excluded from public life and sometimes sold into sexual slavery; and that children are being indoctrinated in the extremist ideology of ISIS as a way to foster a new generation of recruits.
The report noted that ISIS militants have committed murder and other inhumane acts, enslavement, rape, sexual slavery and violence, forcible displacement, enforced disappearance and torture. Witness statements say that ISIS has beheaded, shot and stoned men, women and children in public places across north-eastern Syria. Executions have become commonplace, with corpses being publicly displayed and heads placed on spikes along park railings.
The report included accounts of abductions of women and girls who are being held as sexual slaves and says that those who are held by ISIS are being raped by multiple militants when they return from the battlefront. In ISIS-controlled areas of Syria, women and girls have largely been confined to their houses, with regulations dictating what they must wear, who they can socialise with and where they may work.
Pinheiro stated that ISIS is using education as a way of indoctrinating a new generation of supporters. He says that, in many areas, the school curriculum has been amended to reflect the ideology of ISIS and also includes weapons training.
He said "they are caught, they are indoctrinated and they return to their families and they function as a sort of time bomb because they will be in contradiction of what their parents are practicing in terms of religion or any social practice."
Vitit Muntarbhorn, one of the Commissioners, elaborated on the abuses of children. He stressed they were forced to watch public executions and indoctrinated in school. He stressed that child soldiers were not perpetrators of crimes but victims and should be treated as such.
He added "it is the adults who are the perpetrators and who instrumentalise the children."
The Commission noted that the lack of a political process has allowed extremism to fester and that the international community and the Syrian Government must seek a sustainable solution to the on-going armed conflict.
published:15 Nov 2014
مقابلة عن الأوضاع في اليمن
جيبوتي تحولت إلى مركز للتوقيف والتعتقيد، محمد علاو رئيس رابطة المعونة لحقوق الإنسان....
published:19 Jun 2015
مقابلة عن الأوضاع في اليمن
مقابلة عن الأوضاع في اليمن
جيبوتي تحولت إلى مركز للتوقيف والتعتقيد، محمد علاو رئيس رابطة المعونة لحقوق الإنسان.
published:19 Jun 2015
سوريا ورسالة سفير السعودية في بيروت عام ٢٠١٢
بشار الجعفري مندوب سوريا الدائم لدى الأمم المتحدة يفضح تورط السعودية وحليفاتها في المؤامرة...
published:29 Jun 2015
سوريا ورسالة سفير السعودية في بيروت عام ٢٠١٢
سوريا ورسالة سفير السعودية في بيروت عام ٢٠١٢
بشار الجعفري مندوب سوريا الدائم لدى الأمم المتحدة يفضح تورط السعودية وحليفاتها في المؤامرة على بلاده في كلمته أمام مجلس الأمن الدولي اليوم.
published:29 Jun 2015
معرض هاغوب فانيسيان لصور حلب في الأمم المتحدة
الفنان المصور هاغوب فانيسيان عرض شهاداته على مأساة حلب في معرض في نيويورك. هاغوب أكد أن عم...
published:09 Jan 2015
معرض هاغوب فانيسيان لصور حلب في الأمم المتحدة
معرض هاغوب فانيسيان لصور حلب في الأمم المتحدة
الفنان المصور هاغوب فانيسيان عرض شهاداته على مأساة حلب في معرض في نيويورك. هاغوب أكد أن عمله لكل السوريين في الداخل والخارج، وقلبه ينفطر حزنا على سوريا وشعبها.
I had the time to get an interview with the recent YCS Charlotte champion Sean Coovert, and his teammate Nizar Sarhan; also winner of YCS Dallas, Texas! Here...
The Return of Nizar Sarhan Interview after his 1 year ban!
The Return of Nizar Sarhan Interview after his 1 year ban!
Please Subscribe, and follow me on all Social Networks I have Linked Below!! I Hope that you guys Like this video and That you will"Like" it!! How To Contact...
Syria is Fighting Terrorism on Behalf of the World - Jaafari
published:04 May 2015
Syria is Fighting Terrorism on Behalf of the World - Jaafari
Syria is Fighting Terrorism on Behalf of the World - Jaafari
published:04 May 2015
Syria's 'Piecemeal Freeze Zones' Suggested
Staffan de Mistura, and Bashar Al-Jaafari about ISIS, Turkey, Syria, Saudi, Jordan, and We...
published:30 Oct 2014
Syria's 'Piecemeal Freeze Zones' Suggested
Syria's 'Piecemeal Freeze Zones' Suggested
Staffan de Mistura, and Bashar Al-Jaafari about ISIS, Turkey, Syria, Saudi, Jordan, and Western plans for Syria.
"Syrian sovereignty is a red line", says Jaafari. and asks, "Why defeating ISIS will take many many years?"
published:30 Oct 2014
Burundi 1972 Genocide - NYC Press Conf.
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what...
published:02 May 2015
Burundi 1972 Genocide - NYC Press Conf.
Burundi 1972 Genocide - NYC Press Conf.
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what really happened in that African state. Victims, survivors and their kins are still trying to pass the message as they did this year in their second conference organized by Collective of Survivors and Victims of 1972 Hutu Genocide of Burundi in the Millennium Hotel Plaza, NY, 2015. Judge John Philpot, who sits on Kuala Lumpur International Court attended to sound his concerns about international justice.
Main speakers are:
Mr. Frederic Nzeyimana, International Coordinator
Dr. Amedee Nkeshimana, European Coordinator
Dr. Levi Rukundo,Conference Host.
published:02 May 2015
Burundi 1972 Genocide NYC 1
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what...
published:02 May 2015
Burundi 1972 Genocide NYC 1
Burundi 1972 Genocide NYC 1
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what really happened in that African state. Victims, survivors and their kins are still trying to pass the message as they did this year in their second conference organized by Collective of Survivors and Victims of 1972 Hutu Genocide of Burundi in the Millennium Hotel Plaza, NY, 2015. Judge John Philpot attended to sound his concerns about international justice. Dr. Amedee Nkeshimana and Dr. Levi Rukundo were the two main speakers at the event.
published:02 May 2015
Burundi 1972 Genocide NYC 2
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what...
published:02 May 2015
Burundi 1972 Genocide NYC 2
Burundi 1972 Genocide NYC 2
After 40 years of genocide against Hutus in Burundi (1972), the world is yet to learn what really happened in that African state. Victims, survivors and their kins are still trying to pass the message as they did this year in their second conference organized by Collective of Survivors and Victims of 1972 Hutu Genocide of Burundi in the Millennium Hotel Plaza, NY, 2015. Judge John Philpot, who sits on Kuala Lumpur International Court attended to sound his concerns about international justice.
Main speakers are:
Mr. Frederic Nzeyimana, International Coordinator
Dr. Amedee Nkeshimana, European Coordinator
Dr. Levi Rukundo,Conference Host.
published:02 May 2015
لا حوار مع الإرهاب ـ والسعودية وقطر تمولان العلاج في إسرائيل
بشار الجعفري في حديث لبرنامج العد العكسي على الميادين...
published:14 Dec 2014
لا حوار مع الإرهاب ـ والسعودية وقطر تمولان العلاج في إسرائيل
لا حوار مع الإرهاب ـ والسعودية وقطر تمولان العلاج في إسرائيل
بشار الجعفري في حديث لبرنامج العد العكسي على الميادين
published:14 Dec 2014
US Stands Against Burundi President's 3rd. Term Bid
Burundi's leader Pierre Nkurunziza has launched his third-term bid in the capital Bujumbur...
published:08 May 2015
US Stands Against Burundi President's 3rd. Term Bid
US Stands Against Burundi President's 3rd. Term Bid
Burundi's leader Pierre Nkurunziza has launched his third-term bid in the capital Bujumbura, defying criticism from the African Union (AU) and the US
published:08 May 2015
أخوّة هابيل وقابيل بين السعودية وسوريا
السعودي يقر بأن سوريا جمهورية عربية وليست نظاما. ، ومندوبها يقول إنه ليس من وزن السوري في ...
published:19 Nov 2014
أخوّة هابيل وقابيل بين السعودية وسوريا
أخوّة هابيل وقابيل بين السعودية وسوريا
السعودي يقر بأن سوريا جمهورية عربية وليست نظاما. ، ومندوبها يقول إنه ليس من وزن السوري في الحجة والمنطق. ويجلب لحكومته المطالبة بحق الشعبين السعودي والقطري في الحرية والديموقراطية والخلاص من المشعوذين وفتاواهم؟
published:19 Nov 2014
Finkelstein, "International Law is Crazy"
When nuclear is ok why anything else is not? Finkelstein about Israel's repeated attacks a...
published:10 Sep 2014
Finkelstein, "International Law is Crazy"
Finkelstein, "International Law is Crazy"
When nuclear is ok why anything else is not? Finkelstein about Israel's repeated attacks against Gaza and where the international community stands.
published:10 Sep 2014
Professor Chomsky's Solidarity With Palestine at UN
ALSO WATCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJh5muRa8zk
published:14 Oct 2014
Professor Chomsky's Solidarity With Palestine at UN
Professor Chomsky's Solidarity With Palestine at UN
ALSO WATCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJh5muRa8zk
published:14 Oct 2014
UNDOF Abandoned Positions Weapons and Clothes in Syrian Golan, Why?
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syria's Perm. Rep. to the UN raises many questions about the UN's recen...
published:16 Sep 2014
UNDOF Abandoned Positions Weapons and Clothes in Syrian Golan, Why?
UNDOF Abandoned Positions Weapons and Clothes in Syrian Golan, Why?
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syria's Perm. Rep. to the UN raises many questions about the UN's recent pullout from the separation zone of the Golan. Israel is establishing a separation zone like Lebanon's back in the 20 century.
published:16 Sep 2014
Saudi Generals are Killed in Syria
Armenians targeted once more by Turkey. The West is watching indifferently. Bashar Jaafari...
Armenians targeted once more by Turkey. The West is watching indifferently. Bashar Jaafari accuses. The UN has conducted two monitoring missions to Lattakia ...
France which still does not admit killing 1.5 m Algerians pretends to be protecter of Syri...
published:26 Jun 2015
France as Protector of Majorities
France as Protector of Majorities
France which still does not admit killing 1.5 m Algerians pretends to be protecter of Syrians and cries "wolves". Wolves come back in disguise as grandmothers.
published:26 Jun 2015
Yemen is Facing Famine
Stop war on Yemen, Stephen Obrien, UN Humanitarian chief warns of famine in 10 out of 22 Y...
published:26 Jun 2015
Yemen is Facing Famine
Yemen is Facing Famine
Stop war on Yemen, Stephen Obrien, UN Humanitarian chief warns of famine in 10 out of 22 Yemeni governorates.
published:26 Jun 2015
Bahrain UN Demands Fair Trial for Shaikh Salman
the Secretary-General is concerned that Sheikh Ali Salman, Secretary General of the al-Wef...
published:26 Jun 2015
Bahrain UN Demands Fair Trial for Shaikh Salman
Bahrain UN Demands Fair Trial for Shaikh Salman
the Secretary-General is concerned that Sheikh Ali Salman, Secretary General of the al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, Bahrain’s largest opposition society, was sentenced to four years in prison on 16 June. He urges the Bahraini authorities to enable Sheikh Ali Salman to exercise his right to appeal and to guarantee a fair trial. He also calls on the Bahraini authorities to act in accordance with their obligation to ensure the protection of freedom of expression and assembly.
The UN Secretary-General firmly believes that the best way to reduce tensions and ensure peace, stability and prosperity for all Bahrainis is through a genuine and all-inclusive political dialogue between the Government and the opposition.
published:26 Jun 2015
Palestinian Children Await International Justice
Ban Ki Moon, UN SG strikes Israel off the Shame list of Worst Abusers of Children in Armed...
published:18 Jun 2015
Palestinian Children Await International Justice
Palestinian Children Await International Justice
Ban Ki Moon, UN SG strikes Israel off the Shame list of Worst Abusers of Children in Armed Conflicts.
published:18 Jun 2015
أطفال غزة لا يخضعون لنفس الرعاية الدولية كغيرهم
غزة تنتظر العدالة الدولية دون جدوى....
published:18 Jun 2015
أطفال غزة لا يخضعون لنفس الرعاية الدولية كغيرهم
أطفال غزة لا يخضعون لنفس الرعاية الدولية كغيرهم
غزة تنتظر العدالة الدولية دون جدوى.
published:18 Jun 2015
UN Failed to Convene Geneva Peace Conference on Yemen
Egypt and Sudan under instructions from Saudi Arabia delayed UN plane in Djibouti carrying...
published:15 Jun 2015
UN Failed to Convene Geneva Peace Conference on Yemen
UN Failed to Convene Geneva Peace Conference on Yemen
Egypt and Sudan under instructions from Saudi Arabia delayed UN plane in Djibouti carrying political delegates of Yemen.
published:15 Jun 2015
Protest Against Wars Everywhere
تضامن في نيويورك مع اليمن وسوريا واستنكار التعتيم الإعلامي والدعم العسكري الغربي للإرهاب ا...
published:13 Jun 2015
Protest Against Wars Everywhere
Protest Against Wars Everywhere
تضامن في نيويورك مع اليمن وسوريا واستنكار التعتيم الإعلامي والدعم العسكري الغربي للإرهاب المنظم والدول الراعية له.
published:13 Jun 2015
UN Chief Delists Israel From Children's Crime List
Ban Ki Moon under pressure delists Israel of the shame list of near 600 children killed la...
published:09 Jun 2015
UN Chief Delists Israel From Children's Crime List
UN Chief Delists Israel From Children's Crime List
Ban Ki Moon under pressure delists Israel of the shame list of near 600 children killed last year in Gaza and West Bank
published:09 Jun 2015
Saudi Did not Honor $274 m. Yemen Appeal Pledge
Saudi Arabian gov. failed so far to honor its pledge to pay $274 m. Yemen's humanitarian a...
published:09 Jun 2015
Saudi Did not Honor $274 m. Yemen Appeal Pledge
Saudi Did not Honor $274 m. Yemen Appeal Pledge
Saudi Arabian gov. failed so far to honor its pledge to pay $274 m. Yemen's humanitarian appeal as promised. Yemen is facing a humanitarian disaster because of the wonton Saudi destruction of, Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the world
published:09 Jun 2015
194 Yemeni Children Killed and 1m. Displaced
20m. Yemenis need food aid because of the Saudi war and blockade....
published:05 Jun 2015
194 Yemeni Children Killed and 1m. Displaced
194 Yemeni Children Killed and 1m. Displaced
20m. Yemenis need food aid because of the Saudi war and blockade.
published:05 Jun 2015
Hanan Ashrawi Explains the Palestinian Refugees' Plight
Hanan Ashrawi Explains the Palestinian Refugees' Plight...
published:05 Jun 2015
Hanan Ashrawi Explains the Palestinian Refugees' Plight
Hanan Ashrawi Explains the Palestinian Refugees' Plight
Hanan Ashrawi Explains the Palestinian Refugees' Plight
published:05 Jun 2015
UNRWA Facing Insolvency
Wealthier nations dragging their feet in aid to the Palestinian refugees, after Israeli de...
published:04 Jun 2015
UNRWA Facing Insolvency
UNRWA Facing Insolvency
Wealthier nations dragging their feet in aid to the Palestinian refugees, after Israeli destruction and usurpation of their land and country.
published:04 Jun 2015
UNRWA Facing Tougher Times
تتعرض وكالة أنروا للضغوط وحرمان الموارد من أجل تيئيس الفلسطينيين وحرمانهم الأمل بالعودة أو...
published:02 Jun 2015
UNRWA Facing Tougher Times
UNRWA Facing Tougher Times
تتعرض وكالة أنروا للضغوط وحرمان الموارد من أجل تيئيس الفلسطينيين وحرمانهم الأمل بالعودة أو التعويض. كندا على رأس الدول المشاركة في الضغوط.
published:02 Jun 2015
Israeli Parade in NYC
اليهود المعادين للصهيونية ناطوري كارتا يرفعون علم فلسطين، وليس العرب بكل أسف....
published:31 May 2015
Israeli Parade in NYC
Israeli Parade in NYC
اليهود المعادين للصهيونية ناطوري كارتا يرفعون علم فلسطين، وليس العرب بكل أسف.
IBM announced today it has struck a deal to bring its Watson cognitive computing platform to a variety of industries in Middle Eastern and African countries. Watson is best known as the computer system that autonomously vanquished the world’s best Jeopardy players during a highly publicized competition in 2011... Financial details of the arrangement were not disclosed ... Sign Up. [Photo. Clockready via ]. ....
VIENNA. Iran and six major powers have reached a historic nuclear deal, which will grant Tehran sanctions relief in exchange for curbs on its nuclear programme, an Iranian diplomat said on Tuesday. "All the hard work has paid off and we sealed a deal. God bless our people," the diplomat told Reuters on condition of anonymity. Another Iranian official confirmed the agreement ... Read more ... Read more. Implications of Iran’s N-deal ... ....
WASHINGTON. Nasa's New Horizons probe has settled one of the most basic questions about Pluto - its size. Mission scientists have found Pluto to be 2,370 kms in diameter, somewhat larger than many prior estimates. Images acquired with the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) aborad New Horizon probe were used to make this determination ... "The size of Pluto has been debated since its discovery in 1930 ... ....
Baahubali (Bahubali) Movie which was released on Friday recorded a huge collection of Rs. 190 crore in 4 days. Baahubali Movie which was released on Friday shows bumper collection and 3rd day collection crossed Rs 160 crore. Its first day collection was over Rs. 50 crore which shatters all previous records making it high performer movie in box-office. Baahubali Movie entered in the 100 crore club in just two days ...First day. Over 50 crore ... ....
“It was not true ...The statement also added that the Hezb-e-Islami has an intense enmity with the Taliban group and communists along with Shura-e-Nizar. No further elaboration was given regarding the communists, however Hezb-e-Islami’s remarks regarding Shura-e-Nizar were apparently a gesture towards the leaders of Jamiat Islami party ... ....
MidfielderNasr EldinOmer put Al Hilal ahead with a goal in the 52nd minute before Nizar Hamid made sure of the points as he netted the hosts' second nine minutes from time ... ....
At the same time that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, Nizar Bin Obald Madani, was marching alongside the millions of "Je suis Charlie" protesters, his government ordered 1000 lashes, a ten-year jail sentence and a fine of 240,000 Euros to the intellectual blogger Raif Badawi for having the audacity to advocate the right of opinion over the internet ... How are we able to live in such a hypocritical world? ... if only... ....
Could Miami's Pincho Factory become the next Chipotle?. Co-founders Otto Othman and Nedal Ahmad say their South Florida-born concept is nearly neck-and-neck with the famous fast-casual's revenue per square foot ... Enlarge. Emon Reiser ... RelatedContent ... "We doubled our sales between 2012 and 2013," said Ahmad, and shortly after that, he, Othman and their other cousin and co-founder Nizar Ahmad began considering the franchise model ... ....
(Source. CriticalControl Solutions Corp) CriticalControl Announces Annual and Special Meeting Voting Results and Appointment of CFO. CriticalControl Announces Annual and Special Meeting Voting Results and Appointment of CFO. CALGARY, ALBERTA, June 24, 2014 - CriticalControl Solutions Corp. ("CriticalControl" or the "Corporation") (TSX... Votes For. Motions Number Percentage ... Nizar Jaffer Somji 31,783,689 98.96 ... Mr ... (noodl....
LONDON, July 7, 2015 /CNW/ -- CenturyLink, Inc. (NYSE. CTL) today announced it has been positioned as a leader in the Magic Quadrant for Cloud-Enabled Managed Hosting, Europe, by leading analyst firm Gartner ... CenturyLink also was recognized in the Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service, Worldwide, report published on May 19, 2015 ... NadiaNizar, +44 (0)7918 720 726, nadia.nizar@centurylink.com, http.//www.centurylink.com. ....
The statement also added that the Hezb-e-Islami has an intense enmity with the Taliban group and communists along with Shura-e-Nizar. No further elaboration was given regarding the communists, however Hezb-e-Islami’s remarks regarding Shura-e-Nizar were apparently a ......
"In my opinion, Ahmad will have a bright future," says Nizar Akleh, field coordinator at Himaya ... "A child who is working can't be taken and immediately transferred to school," says Nizar Akleh, field coordinator at Himaya ... "Nizar is searching for another job for me in a car mechanics shop - in two days I am going to meet the owner," Ahmad says with enthusiasm....
Maamoun Abdulkarim, Director-General of Antiquities and Museums in Syria confirmed that it was that date when ISIS jihadists blew up the tombs of Mohammed bin Ali, a descendant of the Prophet Mohammed’s cousin, and scholar Nizar Bahaa Eddine adding that “IS has destroyed at least 50 mausoleums dating between 100-200 years old in the regions under its control in north and east Syria.”....
(Source. Bank of Maldives plc). MKT/PR/2015/17 16th June 2015 PRESS RELEASE. BML expands Self-Service Banking with new unit at MOFT ... Mohamed Nizar. Mr. Nizar stated, "Having easy and convenient access to banking services will prove very helpful for the many staff from MOFT and MIRA working here but also of course for the general public who will find this a tremendously convenient location to do their banking ... Mohamed Saeed ... Phone. 3015315....
His cousin Nizar told AFP that just the day before the attack he had seen Rezgui in Gaafour, where the young man would return to work as a waiter to finance his studies for a master's degree at a technical institute in central Tunisia. "He was normal. He came here, he worked in the cafe, he went home, he went to pray and he hung out with the guys at the cafe," said Nizar, 32 ... "He was unknown to our services ... "Please, don't talk to me."....
TORONTO, June 25, 2015 /CNW/ - RedlineCommunications (www.rdlcom.com) GroupInc. (TSX... Detailed results of the vote for the election of directors held at the meeting are set out below ... % ... % ... Nizar Somji....